Lent – A Time for Letting Go

Feb 13, 2024 | Blog

There is a large part of the population that are “Type A” control addicts.  I happen to be one of them.  What do we all have in common?  We are perfectionists who think they have control of their lives and others. They think they can solve all problems.  This behavior leads to disappointment and anxiety.

Unexpected events that occur in our lives confirm we have no control of the unknown, especially in the current turbulent world.  Several years ago, I was a hostage in a bank robbery and quickly learned what losing control was. One of the masked robbers had my life in his hands.  I felt helpless and petrified. Every day after that I struggle to remind myself that only God has control of all.

We are approaching the season of Lent. A time for prayer and fasting and for some giving up candy or other treats.  To me these things seems so much easier than letting go of all our problems and giving them totally to God.

It means truly believing God is our Father giving unconditional love to us, His children. So many times, Jesus spoke to us saying “Do Not Be Afraid”.  He said to let go of what frightens and upsets us.  He promised we will never be abandoned by Him. This Lent, I am praying very hard to let go and give all to God. I hope you can join me.


Written in thanks to all the good priests that have blessed my life.  

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