A Freedom Refreshment of Mental Health

A Freedom Refreshment of Mental Health

As we embark on Independence Day, a day that saw us break from the tyranny of an increasingly repressive England, we reflect on how important freedom is and how it should be cherished.

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True Freedom is Doing God’s Work

True Freedom is Doing God’s Work

 True Freedom: The Path to Divine Harmony  In the heart of every human being lies a deep yearning for freedom. It is a concept that transcends time and culture, a universal desire that speaks to the core of our existence. It is a concept that has been explored, fought...

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Graduation: A Journey of Courage and Dreams

Graduation: A Journey of Courage and Dreams

As the graduation caps fly into the sky, marking the culmination of one journey and the beginning of another, it’s a time to reflect on the paths taken and the roads yet to be discovered. Graduation isn’t just a ceremony; it’s a passage into the world of...

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Our Two Fathers

Our Two Fathers

When we pray The Lord’s Prayer we say, “Our Father”. Yes, God is the Father for all people. But in His wisdom and caring, He gives each of us an earthly father. We each have a father to be with us in our journey of life. Sometimes we forget the important role of him....

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