When we pray The Lord’s Prayer we say, “Our Father”. Yes, God is the Father for all people. But in His wisdom and caring, He gives each of us an earthly father.

We each have a father to be with us in our journey of life. Sometimes we forget the important role of him. What makes a good one? It is someone whose success is not measured by his wealth alone but by the unconditional giving of himself to his family. He is a father of character who teaches his children the qualities of strength, patience and forgiveness.  

Many of us are blessed with wonderful fathers. Others sadly lost them at even a very tender age. It could be from disease, accidents or abandonment. However, we must always remember our Almighty God is always with us every moment of our lives, rejoicing in our joys and sharing our hardships. He has said “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid”. We should not have anxiety and let go of our fears.

There is a poem entitled “Footprints in the Sand” by Mary Sevensen that further illustrates God’s love for us. It is about a man who dreamed he was walking on a beach with The Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. He noticed there were two sets of footprints in the sand. In other scenes that showed hardship there were only one set. When he questioned God, The Lord told him that’s when I carried you”.


Let us always give thanks for the gift of two fathers.



Written in thanks for my father, George