A Mother’s Journey
The journey begins for 9 months when the mother nourishes, protects, and loves the baby within her. She is filled with joy when she first feels her little one dancing around. When the time comes for delivery the mother faces labor pains. Most are in a safe place with the support of doctors and many. Others are all alone and afraid. I think about how the Blessed Mother felt without her family and so far away from home bringing Jesus into the world in a humble stable. But for all mothers, forgetting the pain comes from the blessing of holding their little one gently in their arms.
This tiny baby grows bigger every day. The mother hears the first word he mumbles and delights at seeing him take that first step, ready to help keep him from falling. Before she knows it, her baby grows into childhood and eventually adulthood. There is a verse from a song in “Fiddler on the Roof” that says it all: “Sunrise, Sunset – Sunrise, Sunset – swiftly fly the years. One season following another laden with happiness and tears”
Yes, motherhood comes with both joy and pain. Her journey never ends. For some mothers their son grows up to have a family and give her grandchildren to love. But other mothers lose their son from disease, accidents, war, or crime. But sadly, some loss is from abandonment.
The Blessed Virgin, our Mother, knows our joy and pain. She sees her son die on the cross but knows because of His death and resurrection we all have eternal life.
Let us all remember our mothers and grandmothers ,past and present who have blessed our lives
Written in thanks for my mother, Nora
Come Out for a Cause – Living Waters Golf Outing
Join Us for a Day of Golf While Supporting a Worthy Cause!
This year’s event will be held at the beautiful Rock Hill Country Cub in Manorville, NY on Wednesday October 16th, 2024.
Grief – A Perspective from a Catholic
This was a tough and personal blog to write. Grief. We all will grieve. It may happen very early in life, it may happen late in life, but we will all grieve. It’s part of the human condition. But it’s how we handle it that defines it—and us. Grief is a natural response to loss, whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or any significant change.