A New Life

Apr 1, 2024 | Blog

After Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, she hurriedly ran to joyfully shout to the Apostles “He is Risen” “He is Risen”! At first they did not believe her. But after seeing the empty tomb they were filled with hope. They remembered what Jesus had said that He would die for our sins and conquer death to give us everlasting life.

Do we truly believe what Jesus has promised? If so, why is dying the one thing most people dread? We take every pill available, take every test available, try every diet and exercise program available, but nothing will prevent the fact we all shall die. The ashes we receive on Ash Wednesday remind us of that.

But why are we so afraid? Once in confession I told the priest I had the fear of dying and facing the unknown. I hoped I would be greeted by my parents. His answer was reassuring, “You will and just think you are already living in the unknown”.

Years later my sister was mentally challenged and dying from an aggressive brain tumor. One day the doctor called me and said, “Come quickly, she is near death.” I rushed to the rehab and went into her room. I gave her a holy card from my Mom to hold. I then gently whispered to her, “Do not be afraid, go to Mommy, she is here for you”. I wondered why did I say those words? Did I really feel the presence of my Mom? I knew then she will be there for me.

We should remember the words of Jesus, “Do not let your hearts be troubled, in My Father’s house there are many dwelling places.” “I am going to prepare a place for you”. On the Easter Sunday, let us celebrate that someday we will have New Life with Jesus in Paradise. Let us joyfully say the words of Mary Magdalene “He is Risen, He is Risen!”

Written in memory of my sister Ronnie

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