Death and Resurrection

Mar 31, 2023 | Blog

What is the block that prevents us from internalizing God’s Love? At Living Waters, the work revolves around removing the blocks caused by human life events stopping a person from internalizing this truth.

People have a hard time when someone they love dies or passes onto eternal life. Sometimes, they believe that God is punishing them or their loved ones. The reason for this conclusion is that people have misconceptions about life and death. It is part of their unfinished business and their physical attachments to the physical world. Not recognizing that this life is passing and eternal life is forever. The body is gone BUT the soul is ALIVE!

Through the work at Living Waters, the person peels away the illusion that earthly life is all there is. This is an illusion. The person who passed onto glory really belongs to GOD—- their Creator and NOT to us! There is more in eternity.

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