Prepare for Re-Entry!

Jun 11, 2020 | Blog

“New Normal.” We have heard this is coming, yet what does that phrase even mean? What will we have to do to regain a sense of calm and order in our lives?

Living Waters Therapeutic Catholic Counseling is prepared to answer questions and help with some suggestions on how to approach reentry into lives that have been disrupted, whether it is at work, with families and friends, or within our community. For those who have suffered loss, this also means grieving and building a path towards a new future.

In an effort to be of service, Living Waters will offer short term therapy of up to three sessions to anyone who feels they could use help with moving through the pandemic and finding a sense of life balance. Key factors center on developing awareness of resilience, hints on optimal approaches to self-soothing, and working with someone to help walk through the fear of the unknown to reach an understanding of self-sufficiency.  All is done with a focus on the spiritual aspects of the person, in alignment with the emotional, psychological, intellectual and physical elements involved in a wholistic approach.

Carol Rubano of Living Waters will present an informational webinar on reentry on June 25th at 7pm. This event will be presented through the Zoom platform, and all are invited to attend. For more information please visit our website or contact founder Carol Rubano at

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